
Hi, i'm....save the intro

Blogging is not a new thing for me as this is not my first blog to start with. Those who knew me kinda knew that I was 'raising my voice' elsewhere since 2005 till I was out of materials as well as other reasons. The tragic end was on 2008.

Inspiration came when I was talking to my gf about my recent happenings. Thanks Pen for the eureka moment. Generating traffic on this blog...i'm unsure about...at least to let off 'steam' in this will be a good deal for me.
Mundane Daily Musing is also a moment of inspiration, too...It's only later I realised that the first letter of each word will also represent MDM (short for mademoiselle). Hence, this will be my baby...at least for awhile.
This is my past & this maybe my present & future.
There will be no apologies to the grammatical errors as well as not being politically and diplomatically correct. Any events or characters in this blog is entirely fictional and any related events is purely coincidental.
See ya.

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