
Bad customer service

I wanted to voice my opinion on the attitude of a doctor whom I had visited early this year. This doctor was very much old-fashioned in terms of his thinking. Had no intention of putting his name though I would very much wanted to. All I could say that he was located in a polyclinic in the west region of the island.

Consulted him as I was having cough and flu symptoms and required some medication to delay my cycle so that it wouldnt disrupt my enjoyment while I was overseas.

To my surprise, he didnt want to issue this medicine and kept insisting that his actions were based on his so-called "moral high grounds". Soon, it led to an argument. He did not even bother to recommend another doctor on this matter. When I consulted him on whether I would see another doctor, his arrogant reply was "You are free to do so." I was furious at this moment and decided to go to the registration counter and asked to be consulted by another doctor. In the end, it was a female dentist who prescribed the pills for me after I told her about the incident. She was patient to answer my queries and even advised on the usage of this pill. I could see her facial expressions when I mentioned that male doctor's name. It seemed that that particular doctor had several issues on the services he rendered.

To me, a doctor should not impose his religious views while treating his patients. From the female dentist, it was later revealed to me that he was a religious man . Even when I collected the medicine, the pharmacist did hinted that this doctor was difficult. What a rotten luck to meet such a doctor!

I was not risking my health as my frequency of this medication was low. From my understanding, many females used this medication for other reasons such as for scuba diving, etc. and it was easily obtainable.

When I told my gfs (include nurses) about this incident, they were rather shocked about the violent reaction from this male doctor. In fact, the whole experience made me sick and it would serve as a constant reminder to seek a female opinion for my future consultations. Period.


Sam said...

There are some nice doctors at polyclinics, but I've encountered some nasty ones too.

Sometimes they just irk me so much, I just consult a private GP instead.. :)

Have a nice day!

Sam (Ur fellow SOKA blogger ;p )

Mundane Daily Musings said...

Thanks! That doctor just drove me to the wall. I realised for these types of medication I should go for a female one instead!

BTW, congrats! Your wife is so cute...

Perhaps we can chat online?

Mundane Daily Musings (MDM)