
Fighting Hard to Regain Normality

On somedays, I dun wish to wake up to face the world. Let life be...

It's not rise and shine for me. Now, my body clock has switched coz it switches off the moment sun rise (approx 5 - 6 am) and when I wake up, the sun would have risen mid-day (12 - 1pm). This makes weaken and tax my weary body. It's damn very unhealthy in long run.

I am unsure why I do not wish to sleep. Perhaps, my brain enjoys working the wee hours rather than broad daylight. This is not normal coz the natural body cycle is to sleep in the nite and awake in the day.

To me, it's about the body is willing but the flesh is weak.

Everyday, I try to make fresh determination and resolution of sleep early so that my body could rest between 10pm - 2 am and will not age prematurely.

Wish me luck for tonite as I've an impt date for tomorrow and do not wanna miss a thing on this opportunity.


You can call me 小野. said...

i feel the same too on some days. but live with the fighting spirit that our SGI president Ikeda Sensei possesses, and everything will be fine!



Mundane Daily Musings said...

Thanks, Sam. Glad to find another SGI member over here!