
Women Part 1

Let's name my gf as TRS (for short) and her daughter as S.

I would like to congrat her for entering motherhood and having such a beautiful daughter named S just like her.

We hanged out during one of the weekdays which was super rare now coz she's a full-time mummy now. All along, I did felt that she should strike a career instead of a baby. After that chat that we had, I soon realised that motherhood indeed had changed her in terms of being more stable and how S had brought her joy to her life.

It kinda struck a chord in me. There are many working mums who are willing to give up their careers for the upbringing of their kids during their formative years. It's definitely not an easy choice to make especially when they have high flying careers.

Actually, being a woman is not easy. In the past, women's roles were to serve their families, husbands and childrens. Now, there are gradual but not much changes except being financial independent in modern times.

Women, have are our roles really changed?

Being daughter, sista, mother, grandmother all rolled into one. In my humble opinion, I don't think so.

There are places in these modern day and age where being a female is still being discriminated from her rights to live as a human especially in Asian societies. Chinese of an older generation still believe that females who are married will no longer be part of her 'original' families. This discrimination does not stop there. In some rural parts of India, there are honour killings conducted by the male family members. These honour killings have scarred many womens' lives and this can ranged from torching them alive to killing them.

I knew of somebody who was badly beaten up and nearly refused to make a police report. The reason being she did this for her family and her child was still young.

All these incidents are sad but true.

I'm not trying to do a feminist strike through this but would like to urge all women to stand up for each other should any problems or difficulties arise.

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