
250409 (SAT) - Convocation

Pictures courtesy by CL. Thanks Gal! Congrats to you, too!

25 April 2009 was another milestone of my life as I'm officially graduated. Hooray! Of course, I have graduated! The joyous occasion was at Fullerton Hotel.

Would like to thank everybody who had contributed and supported me in 1 way or another. Pictures courtesy from C.
Though my grades were not fabulous, it's an awesome experience!

Meeting and interacting with new groups of people as well as hitting the books like after 6 - 7 years of fun and soul searching. As mentioned, meeting new people...hmmm...indeed, very interesting characters (approximate a substantial group - was like army trying to conquer and re-grouped). I would not say I'm well-received but at least I have an important group of frens who constantly encouraged as well as cheered me on... and of course, bracing my nonsense...hahaha *evil grin*....a round of applause for these people (WXS, CCRA, D, E, JX2). I am indeed very grateful for this group of people to be around me.

On the interesting characters, I'm pretty sure that some of them disliked me and some were converted after interacting with me throughout these 2 years. Hey, I know 1st impression counts but these are not entirely true. Besides, I could see that some of their relations were strained after each module...

To some of the interesting characters (including some of Q.O.Bs)as well as the 'I think I'm young and beautiful' group, you are my ttyn (thanks, Paris H) and will definitely avoid you like plague for sure!

Perhaps , I am the only person who knew that there will be no presentation of certificates. Hence, I chose not to appear in my academic dress and there were people who made speculations about me graduating in UK (nice, to know that) or simply failed my modules. On the record, I've passed and graduated with my cohort. I loved to see the reactions on some of the interesting characters. Frankly, I really did not wanna go for this convocation. Thanks to CCRA, she really cared and encouraged me to join in the fun. Of course, I scored a photo with her (no academic dress - no pun intended).

When the ceremony was over, there was buffet and you can see the ugly Singaporean habits coming out. Was sitting at the sofa section, there was a family who seated beside us without even asking and just sat there with her whole entourage of relatives. Then, you could see her family and her piling food on their plates and not finishing it. You should see the desserts that she had piled on her plates (the main course type of plates). Coz the sofa was situated outside the buffet area, she tried to pass the plates to the service staff. This is a 5-star hotel and renowned for service. She didnt realised that all these actions were unnecessary.

It was one of the last few opportunities to mingle with my fellow mates. Off I went to search for my frens. After I came back, her family practically occupied the whole sofa even when my bag was there. I was completely disgusted and horrified about her behaviour. Very typical Singaporean behaviour! Carrying branded and upmarket brands do not make you sophisticated or classy especially when this type of behaviour. Yucks x3!

The saddest parts is I did not take many photos than I should with people that I loved! Sigh!

Now, I need to get on with my life. Ta!

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