
Nonsensical Whimsical

Black is my fave color and I'm terribly obsessed with anything that has this color. My entire wardrobe is filled with this color (almost, with the occasional whites, pastels, etc - you get the idea). Even underdies, nail color and the color of background of my blog. Hence, is dubbed as 'black widow' not in that evil sense. My sis ever joked abt attending funerals for 365 days.

Honestly, cant be helped coz i'm FAT! Thought this color would slim me down visually...then came a comment from my guy fren that it didnt work...sigh! Sob!

For clothings, not that I'm unadventurous...I love to purchase 2 units of the same style / design(esp brasseries in SG, the sizes & designs are so limited - argh, it's my nightmare) ... it's more of the in case when one of them is spoilt after much of the wear and tear...if that piece is my current fave...can imagine the bursting of my wardrobe of clothings, bags and shoes...

The saddest part was to clear up my mess - it feels like facing up the fact that there are many unused items and I need to 'detox'...after much clearing up, the 3 garbage bag full of bags (some are brand new - untouched) only fetched SGD8 quoted by the bone & rag man. It's SGD 8 only lor...not enough to eat a meal He must be grinning from ear to ear as these bags are relatively new & unused...but there had to go...what to do... only can blame self...

My mum tried to salvage a few for her personal use but she ended throwing one of her personal fave into the garbage bags together with the rest of my pile. Need to find one for her as a belated birthday pressie...

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