
Whinings for the past 2 weeks

When I told my frens that I will start blogging again, they moan and told me "Oh, you are continuing your whining on cyberspace...no kidding." My reply was "Oh come on, everybody needs somebody to listen to them. This is not whining."

For this post, it's rather much whining and my feelings towards the 2 outings that I had with the same group of frens (3Js, K & Me) for consecutive 2 weeks in a row.

The first encounter was on the day of my convocation. Had arrived late for coffee after attending some meeting. It was rather awkward as the conversation was steered towards some seedy topics about the word SEX.(All thanks to moi.) In general the age group is towards early 30s. Frankly, this word is rather taboo in Asian societies though this is changing. The perception of mentioning that word does not rub on well for some conservatives.

The only guy in the group was rather grilled on his past experiences and his unpleasant facial appearance gave it away. Obviously, the 'investigators' did not stop there and continued on.
The whole outing was rather awkward.

The second encounter was rather boring coz there were not many in the beginning. The whole conversation was involved with 2 persons (K & ME) instead of 3. Occasionally, the third person would speak but both of us didnt understand anything as it was so out of context.

The whole outing didnt turn out rite as one fren came after her work and the other refused to go home after late at night. Perhaps, age is catching up or the company was just not rite. After a while, the conversation between these people got dull and I was silent after awhile. I was in my gear hoping to club that night as it had been awhile but felt bad for 'ditching' my fren to this group. The 'guilt' feeling was there.Sigh!

Not to defend myself, I always believe in group's synergy and dun think that I'm asking for the sky. Do you have an outing that makes you glow even after the whole event was over? If you do, would like to share your tips with me?

To SL, he always think that I am being critical about my fren's behaviors and told to be less critical as well as let it go. I'm unhappy and unsure whether you have those frens who speak without going to their brains and at the end, they do not realise that the comments made were rather unpleasant and embarrassing. To top this, there are frens who go around telling people how friendly terms both of us are. In actual fact, I have not been in contact with these frens for a long while. It's just sick and disgusting.

To me, there are many types of frens. Some come and go like passing ships. In life, having a solid frenship with a few is good enough for me.

For those who stay, I would like to say thank you for those who have shower me with support (whether mental and financial).

With Luv,
MDM (Mundane Daily Musings)

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