
Call me old fashion or what?

Today's topic is not about phones, guess it's more of communication. Just that maybe I am not embracing technology, am I? Sometimes, I find it frustrating to type those words, emotions etc onto those tiny buttons of this device and the message will be then be conveyed to the other party. Sounds impersonal but that's the reality...people breaking off or hitching via SMS. There's not the end of it as yet.

I dun understand perhaps others think that I'm old fashioned. There are many wonderful times when you pick up the phone to listen to the person's emotions through it. Everything is simultaneous instead of waiting for beeps of messages. It can so annoying and time seems eternal just to wait for the messages. Through actual conversations, almost everything can be answered immediately and almost no delay of responses (depending on situations).
Simply, dun understand some people can squeeze what they wanna say in 165 characters per messages (depending on some phone format). BTW, this entry consists of at least hundreds of characters already and dun get me counting. These days, you have to equipped with yourself the new lingo of expressions such as BTW (by the way) and others. It can be a whole new experience as well learning curve and quite tiring for the older gens to understand the new and hip.

To me, it's always great to pick up the phone to send some love to your loved ones. At least for a change to listen to a 'real' human voice.


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