
May 10 - Happy Mother's Day

Come May 10 (this Sunday), many people will be out celebrating Mother's Day. Unsure where she wants to go on that day.

I do know that she is my pillar of support when I was facing stress from both work and school and of coz, I'm her bag of problems. In Asian societies, parents will not hug their children to say" I love you." Instead, their way of caring is NAGGING.
When mothers nag, we normally find them annoying. Things will changed when she's gone. There will be silence in the house and nobody will be there to nag / encourage to do your best.
This year would be a bit difficult coz my grandma passed away last November. To be exact, it's 18 November if my memory does not fail me. In our parents' eyes, we are forever their 'little children' no matter how grown-up are we. No doubt, the pain will still be there but her memory will remain in everyone's heart. I could see my uncle's tears roll down silently on his face. The longing and missing of one's mother.

On a lighter note, SL had already bought her a pressie (it was her birthday / mother's day thingy). Thanks, SL! It's very sweet of you and thanks for buying it for your mum.

Had a chat with my fren yesterday and she is a mummie of a 12-yr old daughter. While we were chatting, she encouraged me through her experiences and told her mum passed away last year as well. What she missed most was her mum's nagging. Totally agreed.

Dr Daisaku Ikeda always say that Mothers are the sun of the family. It's so true.

I would like to wish all mothers a Happy Mothers' Day.
I love you, Mum!

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